The Manhattan project - The history of nuclear bombs - End of Second World War - People and events.

In the following video, you can will be able to hear the full history of the Manhattan Project, and how the Atomic energy started to be used by mankind.

I tried to be as much detailed as possible without getting boring, I really hope you will enjoy this work, and the video that comes out from it.

Here the video:

This is a collection of each chapter published separately in this blog:

- What do you know about J. Robert Oppenheimer? - What do you know about the Manhattan Project? - What do You Know about Leo Szilard? - What do You Know about Enrico Fermi? - What do you know about the Einstein letter to Roosvelt? - What do you know about the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic?

Each link I listed above has a detailed article written for the specific topic reported.

Each Bombs?


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